伯乐Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

Dodeca 染色仪是高通量凝胶染色设备,提供两种尺寸: 小尺寸最多可容纳 24 片 Criterion 凝胶,而大尺寸最多可容纳 12 片大型凝胶。


Dodeca 染色仪是高通量凝胶染色设备,提供两种尺寸: 小尺寸可最多容纳 24 个 Criterion 凝胶,而大尺寸可最多容纳 12 个大型凝胶。 染色仪可确保高质量一致的结果,并可避免因过度处理导致凝胶断裂。 Dodeca 染色仪与用于第一向等电聚焦的 PROTEAN IEF 电泳槽和用于第二维分离的 PROTEAN Plus Dodeca 电泳槽容量相匹配。


  • 享有专利的* 振动支架旨在以一定的角度固定染色托盘,从而允许气泡逃逸并确保凝胶染色的一致性,这样可使染色效率达到最佳水平并防止凝胶断裂
  • 可适应各种凝胶尺寸的灵活设计(参见兼容性表)
  • 与 Bio-Safe 胶体考马斯蓝 G-250 染料、考马斯亮蓝 R-250 染料、SYPRO Ruby 蛋白质凝胶染料、Flamingo 荧光凝胶染料和 Dodeca 银染试剂盒兼容
  • 白色制备托盘,借助该托盘可轻易监控染色过程中的最终制备步骤
  • 试剂灌注口集成在盖中,以便添加染色液而不会干扰凝胶
  • 凝胶方便储存盒(可选)

* 美国专利 6,843,593。

Related Technologies

  • Staining and Visualization of Proteins After 2-D Electrophoresis

Related Products

  • Criterion 预制胶

  • Criterion™ 转印设备

  • 上样缓冲液和试剂

  • 电泳缓冲液和试剂

  • PowerPac™ 通用电泳仪电源



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Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca™ Gel Stainer, large


100–240 V, large gel staining device, includes 13 trays, 12 Criterion tray attachments, shaking rack, solution tank, lid with motor, shaker control, gel clip

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca™ Gel Stainer, large, with Dodeca Silver Stain Kit


100–240 V, large gel staining device (#165-3400) and silver stain kit (#161-0480) for a large tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca™ Gel Stainer, small, with Dodeca Silver Stain Kit


100–240 V, small gel staining device (#165-3401) and silver stain kit (#161-0480) for a small tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca Stainer and Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain


100–240 V, large gel staining device (#165-3400) and staining solution for a large tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca Stainer and Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain


100–240 V, small gel staining device (#165-3401) and staining solution for a small tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca Stainer and SYPRO Ruby Protein Gel Stain


100–240 V, large gel staining device (#165-3400) and SYPRO staining solution for a large tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca Stainer and SYPRO Ruby Protein Gel Stain


100–240 V, small gel staining device (#165-3401) and SYPRO staining solution for a small tank, sufficient for up to 12 large format gels

Dodeca 高通量染色仪 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Dodeca™ Gel Stainer, small


100–240 V, small gel staining device, includes 13 trays, 12 Criterion tray attachments, shaking rack, solution tank, lid with motor, shaker control, gel clip


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