伯乐Rubella | Bio-Rad Laboratories

Rubella | Bio-Rad Laboratories

Rubella IgG EIA kit is an enzyme immunoassay for the determination of IgG antibodies and the Rubella IgM EIA kit is for the determination of IgM antibodies to rubella virus


Bio-Rad offers the Rubella IgG EIA assay for the qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative detection of rubella IgG antibodies and the Rubella IgM EIA assay for the qualitative detection of rubella IgM antibodies in human serum or plasma. The IgG test is used as an aid in assessing patient immunological status to rubella. Using the IgM EIA in conjunction with IgG EIA allows identification of active infection and estimates the time of infection.

Bio-Rad offers a comprehensive menu of serology tests using standardized procedure and common reagents. The microplate format is convenient and simple to use. All serology tests are available in 96-test kits, designed for rapid turnaround and manual or automated use.



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Rubella | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Platelia Rubella IgG


Quantitative determination of IgG antibodies to Rubella virus in human serum or plasma by EIA (96 tests)

Rubella | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) Platelia Rubella IgM


Qualitative detection of IgM antibodies to Rubella virus in human serum or plasma by EIA (96 tests)