伯乐VARIANT II β-地中海贫血检测试剂盒 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

VARIANT II β-地中海贫血检测试剂盒 | Bio-Rad Laboratories



VARIANT II β-地中海贫血检测试剂盒可进行完全自动化的多分析物分析β-地中海贫血测试,从而可提升实验效率和准确性。 6.5 分钟的测定均会提供 HbA2 和 HbF 百分比的同步定量结果,同时检测最常见的异常血红蛋白变异体。

一次 VARIANT II 测定可以代替实验室中的三次手动测定。 该仪器接受封盖的全血原始管,允许穿刺试管盖,并提供真正的无人值守检测。 Both percent HbA2 and HbF results are calibrated for the highest levels of precision and accuracy.



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VARIANT II β-地中海贫血检测试剂盒 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) VARIANT II β-Thalassemia Reorder Pack


Reagents, supplies for 250 tests of hemoglobin A2 and F in whole blood using the VARIANT II System; aids in the identification of hemoglobin variants

VARIANT II β-地中海贫血检测试剂盒 | Bio-Rad Laboratories

(停产) VARIANT II β-Thalassemia Reorder Pack


Reagents, supplies for 500 tests of hemoglobin A2 and F in whole blood using the VARIANT II System; aids in the identification of hemoglobin variants