伯乐DiaClon ABO/D + Reverse Grouping for Donors | Bio-Rad Laboratories

DiaClon ABO/D + Reverse Grouping for Donors | Bio-Rad Laboratories

ID-Cards containing monoclonal anti-A, anti-B and anti-D within the gel matrix.


The ID-Card DiaClon ABO/D + Reverse Grouping for Donors allows combined testing of forward and reverse grouping as well as RhD determination for confirmation of previously fully tested samples with established blood group status.

The monoclonal anti-D used has been selected so as to react with DVI variant.

ID-Card (Id-n°: 51090):

  • Configuration: A, B, DVI+, ctl/A1, B 
  • Cell lines: A: A5, B: G1/2, D: ESD-1M, 175-2

Supplies on request (10 weeks delivery time)